real quick, let me tell you about one of the best recurring parts of my day in antigua. dahlia y edwin are street vendors that make the 10 o'clock break at school a delicious paradise for zanman. i thought winner-stays-on ping pong was the bee's knees until i started getting tostadas and sandwiches from this team. see that big basket chuck full of bread and ingredients...you'd think edwin would carry that; nope, dahlia wears that on her head like it was a sun bonnet. edwin, nice guy and all, just hauls around a little belly buddy with the cash. she's super nice and she only charges 4Q (like 50 cents) for a sandwich which she makes in about 10 seconds, so each day i get 2 sandwiches de pollo with extra picante and i tip an extra 3 or 4Q, which for some reason no one else does. but i think they appreciate it nevertheless. i told them the other day that i'd be willing to smuggle them back to the US if they were willing to risk an agonizing deportation process, but then i whispered to dahlia that we'd have to lose the deadweight. jajaja. either way, watch out thundercloud subs!
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