Saturday, April 21, 2007

stuff they got too, vs don't got


being the consummate student of world culture and human development, it's only fitting to conduct a little comparison study from time to time. here's a list of things i've discovered in common with ol' america and things that haven't made their way down.

stuff they got too!

1. haircuts (men's unicut, i just sat down and she didn't stop until all my hair was gone)
2. the ford sport trac (seating for 25 in these parts)
3. reebok (this is where it all goes when it doesn't sell in the u.s.)
4. sarcasm (apparently it translates)
5. drivebys (they're done mostly via motor scooter)

stuff they don't got (yet)

1. air conditioning (80 in the shade is fine by me)
2. evidence of cosmetic surgery (every body´s natural)
3. evidence of any surgery (pray for good health)
4. disabled access (if you really wanted to come in, you'd walk)
5. safety (nothing really funny about this one)
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Tim said...

nice post, i had thought about designating a page of my blog to an ongoing list of Haves and Dont Haves.. i'll prolly get around to it during the summer after finals. take care.

aflores3 said...

i didnt think any country other than america had hair cuts.
