a warm, dusty saturday morning in antigua...the air rich with incense, the burnt clutch smell of the chicken buses, and a slight lingering hangover from the recently departed night past. i had been recruited to ball some boys up and consequently, i had not been recruited in vain. the shame i had once felt on a similar cancha {court} playing futbol had now been vindicated. i toyed with the idea of omitting that most of the guys on the court would have probably done better if the object was to kick the ball into the basket...but nevertheless, international glory is something to be beheld. i got a couple of snapshots of the court as it was almost cinematically affixed within an open market, an ancient church which was busling, and a series of ruins that made for a beautiful backdrop amongst the surrounding mountains. one of my teammates insisted that i 'throw one down' for a shot and what you see is the primitive makings of my first trading card, but i jest. later that day, i slept like the cure for handsome was in slumber, as i hadn't physically run in about a month...sorry for the overly self-indulgent post, but it was one of the few times where spanish, competition, and pure g-hood so perfectly coalesced for the young student zanman. up next... domingo! domingo! domingo! chichicastenango.
"slept like the cure for handsome was in slumber"
ahhh, nevermind. I'll leave it alone.
shut up jeff
Yo, nephew - photos remind me of the times I used to bounce the ball 'neath the shadow of a mountain in Monterrey. Fond memories, indeed!
tio o
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