Sunday, April 22, 2007

¡pitala buey!



sunday morning my aussie roommates and i hit up the stadium in antigua for a pretty good futbol match. Antigua GFC vs. Xinobajul. It was a draw 3-3, but even more exciting because antigua scored in the 88th minute to tie it up. also, in our section i got to hear more spanish expletives than castro's secretary after accidently giving him a dominican cigar. at the half, i also encountered this kid who just so happened to be wearing a t-shirt from my high school. we figured a lot of clothes from the states made it down after a series of mudslides a few years ago, but still... what are the chances?
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Anonymous said...

I love the razor wire around the field. Either they used to have "The Running Man" games or severe soccer hooliganism in the past, that is serious stuff.

aflores3 said...

there's no f'ing way! you brought that shirt!

zanman said...

on my vida! that kid was just hopping around kickin empty domino's pizza boxes and i saw the ol' wareagle. Caaah!